
Estate Planning for Muslims: Hibah
Hibah – A Tool for Estate Planning in Islam In Islam, specific principles and guidelines exist for Muslims to manage their wealth and estate. Understanding these principles is essential for Muslims who wish to follow the teachings of the Al-Quran. This article will explore key elements of one of Islamic estate and financial planning known as Hibah. These principles of estate planning exist not only as a guide to individuals but...

Exploring Basics of Faraid- Islamic Law of Inheritance
Estate Planning Tools for Muslims There are four dimensions in estate planning for Muslims: Faraid, Wasiyyah (wills) Hibah (gifts) and Waqf (charitable) For Muslims, proper Islamic estate planning can be key to the smooth distribution of assets to their heirs. When a Muslim dies, the Islamic Law of Inheritance, namely Faraid, applies to the distribution of the deceased’s estate. This article will discuss the basics of faraid applicable to Muslims....
Corporate Law

Hierarchy of Courts in Malaysia
In the governing framework of Malaysia, three critical pillars exist: the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches. The judiciary is the court system that decides legal disputes, defends the law, and applies it in legal cases. In every nation, the judiciary plays a crucial role in deciphering and administering the law and resolving disputes between the citizens as between the citizens and the state. The judicial system is the most expensive...

The Benefits of Writing a Will in Malaysia
It is essential to write a will for so many reasons. Writing a will in Malaysia is governed by the Wills Act 1959. The act only applies to non-Muslims. For Muslims, they have the option to write a wasiat (bequests) and appoint a wasi (an executor) under Syariah law. Muslims are allowed to bequest a third of their wealth. The remaining two-thirds of their estate will be distributed to the...

Differences Between Grant of Probate & Letters of Administration in Malaysia
If you are responsible for administering an estate, you may wonder where to start and what steps to take. Whether you are an executor of a will or a next of kin, understanding the process of probate and estate administration is crucial to ensure that the estate is distributed according to the wishes of the deceased and the law. A deceased person’s property in Malaysia is dealt with in one...