Criminal Law

Anti Stalking Law in Malaysia
“My ex-husband and I had an abusive relationship. After we split up, he made repeated attempts to contact me through friends and family and even showed up at my place of employment. His calls and messages have been completely blocked.” “After I turned down his request for dinner, he tried to be aggressive again, and this time it ended tragically for me.” These are only two of the many situations...
Corporate Law

Hierarchy of Courts in Malaysia
In the governing framework of Malaysia, three critical pillars exist: the Executive, Legislative, and Judiciary branches. The judiciary is the court system that decides legal disputes, defends the law, and applies it in legal cases. In every nation, the judiciary plays a crucial role in deciphering and administering the law and resolving disputes between the citizens as between the citizens and the state. The judicial system is the most expensive...
Criminal Law

Laws on Prostitution and Sex Work in Malaysia
Legality of Prostitution in Malaysia The prostitution industry is widely believed as immoral, but it’s still a business where demand and supply exist. For some, being a prostitute is their bread and butter, but how does the law regard this industry? Contrary to common assumptions, the Malaysian Penal Code does not directly regard prostitution as an illegal activity. Thus, individuals are not inherently breaking the law under the Penal Code...
Criminal Law

How to Report Domestic Violence Against Women in Malaysia
A 2013 study by World Health Organisation revealed that 1 in every 3 women worldwide is a victim of domestic violence. In recent years, the highest number of domestic violence cases have been recorded in Selangor, with nearly 1,713 cases in 2021. In Malaysia, several laws protect the victim from domestic violence. The primary one is the Domestic Violence Act 1994 (“DVA”). Before DVA came into force, domestic violence cases were...
Criminal Law

Animal Protection Laws in Malaysia
The Animal Welfare Act 2015 (“the Act”) was enacted in December 2015 to provide for the establishment of the Animal Welfare Board (“the Board”) and to ensure that the welfare of animals is safeguarded while promoting responsible pet ownership. This new law provides for harsher penalties of up to RM100,000 and stricter regulations than before the amendment. 1) Licensing system to operate animal-related businesses Section 15 (1) states the following:...
Criminal Law

Sexual Harassment in Workplace
Understanding the seriousness of sexual harassment No matter in which industry or sector, sexual harassment in the workplace is widely reported and regarded as a serious misconduct that takes a toll on one’s dignity, regardless of its form. It affects the victim physically and mentally in ways that may: decreases one’s motivation to work creates anger and a hostile environment disrupts one’s daily life affects career and ability to perform...
Criminal Law

Defamation and Slander Laws
The law in Malaysia protects many areas of a person’s life. One such important area is their personal reputation. Everyone has a right to have their reputation protected; if a statement is made about them that badly impacts how others see them—known in law as defamation—then a claim may be made against the statement maker. If the defendant does not have a valid defence against such defamation, then the claim...
Criminal Law

Drink Driving in Malaysia
Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious and all-too-common offence, not just in Malaysia but in many other countries too. It causes many deaths every year, despite the government’s work with various agencies, and despite clear public support for stricter laws to prevent it. The law was reviewed and changed in 2020, when the Road Traffic (Amendment) Act of 2020 was introduced. Since then, drink drivers who have...